
Collectible Repair & Restoration Services | Poughkeepsie, NY

Joe Que’s Auto Body is your source for Collectible Repair & Restoration Services in Poughkeepsie, New York. With over 30 years of experience and expertise in the repair and restoration of your damaged collectibles, they excel in restoring all kinds of antiques. They use the most current and advanced methods to perfectly match and re-create the original lustre of your antiques and contemporary pieces.

Collectibles have become another passion. I enjoy restoring and building all kinds things. Just look at the different things we have done. Old Coke machines, Lamps, Peddle cars, a custom built table made out of an old barn door and stall guards, playground rides even a Sub-Zero refrigerator, that we refinished in white to match the cabinets. We even refinished a custom built kitchen in 1950’s pastel colors with automotive clear coat that we buffed & wax. Our most recent project was attaching a broken arm on a copper statue. We have the means to repair all most anything.